6% Down’s Syndrome: My photographs, their stories

6% Down’s Syndrome: My photographs, their stories

Graham Miller
Fri 22 Mar 2013   -  Wed 22 May 2013
11am till 6pm Daily

_ Entry: Free, non ticketed
_ Venue: Lower Cafe Gallery

These breathtaking black and white photographs showcase intimate moments, relationships and everyday life of Scottish families with a person with Down’s syndrome. Photographer Graham Miller practices a therapeutic approach to his photography, which captures stunning moments that could otherwise be hidden during a photo session.

Miller photographs families as he asks them to reflect on their life experiences. The result is both heartwarming and heartbreaking. These exhibition photographs are complemented with quotes and audio recordings from the interviews with families. This frank exhibition pierces through the stigma of Down’s syndrome and shows that family life goes on despite a person’s different ability.

The combined book and exhibition have been developed in partnership with Down’s Syndrome ScotlandMiller’s book 6%: My photographs, their stories will be available for purchase at Summerhall or by phoning Down’s Syndrome Scotland on 0131 313 4225. All profits from the first five hundred copies will go to Down’s Syndrome Scotland, which will continue providing home visits, support and information to families of people with Down’s syndrome throughout Scotland.
