Asperger’s Are Us

Asperger’s Are Us

Tue 27 Jun 2017
19:00 - 21:00
"Weird as the per­form­ances were, they were in line with the type of sketch I like from Kids in the Hall or Whitest Kids U’Know—oddball char­ac­ters, goofy premises, and clev­er word­play. As a neur­o­typ­ic­al per­son who is gen­er­ally ig­nor­ant of aut­ism, I didn’t know what to make of the As­per­ger’s as­pect of the act. As a dis­crim­in­at­ing fan of al­tern­at­ive com­edy, I ate it up."
Philadelphia Weekly
_ Price: £15 / £12
_ Age Group: 12+
_ Venue: Red Lecture Theatre

The first comedy troupe composed of people with Asperger Syndrome comes to Scotland for the first time! See the stars of the recent hit self-titled Netflix documentary perform their hilarious absurdist sketch comedy live!
This isn’t any kind of autism awareness campaign. This is quick-witted, deadpan wordplay and bizarre scenarios that will appeal to fans of Vic and Bob, Jimmy Carr, and, of course, Monty Python.
As always, the show will end with the very popular Q&A.