Only Wolves And Lions
Only Wolves And Lions
Unfinished Business
Fri 24 Aug 2012
- Sat 25 Aug 2012
(3 hours)
_ Price: £15.00
_ Age Group: 16+
_ Venue: Library Cafe
A meal. A conversation. A performance provocation. Mixing cooking, performance and a good chat, Only Wolves And Lions takes a fresh look at human behaviour in the pursuit of happiness. Drawing on research surrounding community, isolation and the meaning of the word crisis, Leo Kay and Unai Lopez de Armentia invite you to cook, eat and speak together. Bringing you collective action, anecdotal storytelling and the odd philosophical musing, they host a dinner with a difference! They’ll provide ‘carbs and condiments’, however in order to enter the event you must bring one raw ingredient to contribute to the group meal.