Munk Studio Screenings

Munk Studio Screenings

Sun 13 Oct 2013
18:00 - 19.30 (1.5 hours)
"The film festival Play Poland is the largest mobile film event in Britain, aiming at presenting and promoting contemporary Polish cinema. This year Play Poland will be held in the UK, Canada, Norway and China. It means thirteen cities, among which are: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Belfast, New Castle, Sunderland, Birmingham, Oxford, London, Ottawa, Oslo and Shanghai."
_ Price: £4 / £3
_ Age Group: PG
_ Venue: Red Lecture Theatre

Selection of the newest films produced by the Studio Munk.

Munk Studio functions within the structures of Polish Filmmakers Association and was set up to focus exclusively on producing directorial debut films. The goal of the studio is to discover and support talented young directors in making creative, art-house cinema.

  • Koleżanki (‘Amigos forever’) S. Jakimow 33′
  • Łaska (‘Mercy’) E. Subotowicz 18’15”
  • Serce do walki (‘Battleheart’) T. Matuszczak 24’18”
  • Offline J.P. Matuszyński 27′
  • “Jezioro” (‘The Lake’) 28′