The Softening of MAO-A

The Softening of MAO-A

The Mechanical Animal Corporation
Sat 11 Aug 2012   -  Sun 26 Aug 2012
15.30 (60 mins)
"On The Mechanical Animal Corporation's 2011 Edinburgh show, Und."
"An intensely memorable show"
Total Theatre
"Faultless performance"
Broadway Baby
Preview 11 August - £8.00 (£6.00)
_ Price: £10.00 / £8.00
_ Age Group: 16+
_ Venue: Anatomy Lecture Theatre

What if art influences you genetically? The Mechanical Animal Corporation presents The Softening of MAO-A, a bio-theatre experiment. The MAO-A is a gene scientifically proven to influence impulsive violence in humans and macaques. Following rigorous research, Mechanical Animal Corporation presents a sequence of aesthetic stimuli contrived to soften it. For a journey deep into genetic landscapes, come to the Anatomy Theatre Summerhall. In collaboration with Darwin Futures.