Writing Masterclass with Mike McCormack (prose) and Jean Bleakney (poetry)
Writing Masterclass with Mike McCormack (prose) and Jean Bleakney (poetry)
An intensive workshop with two of Ireland’s foremost writers. Places should be booked in advance with the Education Officer at Summerhall (email: education@summerhall.co.uk ). Open to all. Writing samples (for discussion during the workshop) should be sent to the Education Officer by 20th August. The goal of the masterclass is for participants to gain a better understanding of where they want to go with their writing, and how to get there. There will be a balance of group activities and individual attention, with the poets working with Jean Bleakney, and the prose-writers with Mike McCormack.
Part of “Disassociated States“; a series of literary events in association with Irish Pages, featuring leading writers from the North and South of Ireland.