All Day


Courtyard 1 Summerhall, Edinburgh

An-Ki is an immersive theatrical experience about the origin and destiny of humankind, set in an intimate and magical tent. It is a compelling story about greed and deforestation and the consequences it has for the environment and its inhabitants.

Sam the Sword

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Sam the Sword is a performance about a transgender tropical fish, and his journey of self-discovery. We are a full gender-non-conforming / trans team making a poetic fishy tale that normalises the idea of trans people for children and their parents, celebrating self-expression. In nature, it's very common for fish to change gender - and it can happen even in a household tropical fish tank.

Event Series Edinburgh Ceilidh Club

Edinburgh Ceilidh Club

Main Hall

The world renowned Edinburgh Ceilidh Club brings you the very best in Scottish ceilidh dancing, featuring Scotland's top ceilidh bands. Brilliant live music and dancing for everyone, from complete beginners to experienced ceilidh dancers.