Summerhall TV is live!

An Arts channel dedicated to capturing the weird, radical and wonderful. Summerhall are pleased to announce that Summerhall TV, a channel developed by the Local Institute of Local Television, has now gone live.

Summerhall.TV provides up-to-date news and commentary on the arts in Scotland together with interviews with artists and authors broadcast on local TV in Scotland from 2000.

A note about the launch from David Rushton,

We couldn’t have got this far without the commitment and enthusiasm of Alicja Pawluczuk, Lee Richardson, Vivien Kinnear, Kim Miller, David Jack, Clara Valerio, Richard Ferguson, Emily Molloy, Robert McDowell, Paul Robertson, Richard Cross and Marc & Charlie at Factotum – and everyone we’ve interviewed.

We’ve coverage of artists, authors, performers, filmmakers visiting and working in Scotland as well as previews of the Festival backed up by a ‘features’ catalogue of local arts filmed since 2000.

We have an Archive section that will carry interviews and short films to complement the libraries and archives at Summerhall.

To find us go to and you can follow the story on and if you ‘like’ what you find please pass the word to your friends.