Bringing a damaged or dirty painting back to life is a real privilege. There are many different processes involved depending on the condition of the artwork, from relining to retouching, from using heavy irons and hammers to tiny delicate paintbrushes. It is so satisfactory to make holes and tears in the canvas disappear, but the cleaning of the paint layer is usually the most exciting part as the years of old discoloured varnish, soot and dirt are removed to reveal the original colours and hidden details that the artist intended to be seen. On display, we have examples of what can be achieved with patience and attention to the dangers of creating any further damage, mindful of the artists’ individual techniques. Alongside actual and photographic examples, we have some of Jo’s tools and materials.
Jo works as a picture restorer from a studio in Summerhall. She has a degree in Fine Arts from St Andrews University and studied restoration in Florence, Italy, training as an apprentice there for three years. She worked in Dublin for several years, at the Scottish Gallery in Edinburgh and is now freelance.